Women’s Heart Treaty
We, in partnership with the Linda Joy Pollin Cardiovascular Wellness Center for Women at Hadassah, share the mission of promoting women’s heart health in Israel and worldwide. We recognize thatheart disease and stroke are leading causes of death and disabilityin women and that there is an imperative for gender-specificprevention and treatment. We seek to substantially reduce cardiovascular disease in women so as to improve the status of women’s health in Israel and in the world. We call upon policy-makers and stakeholders to join hands and unify their efforts toward the following goals
To place the issue of women’s heart health on the national agenda and to allocate national resources to this issue, with an emphasis on disadvantaged communities and women at risk
To increase the knowledge and awareness of women about heart disease, and to encourage and enable women to adopt heart-healthy behaviors
To increase the knowledge and awareness among health professionals about heart disease in women, with an emphasis on risk factor detection, gender-appropriate treatment and health promotion
To integrate gender medicine into the curricula of health professionals in Israel
On this day, December 9, 2015, the twenty-seventh of Kislev, 5776, the third candle of Chanukah, the dedication day of the Linda Joy Pollin Cardiovascular Wellness Center for Women at Hadassah Medical Center, we who have signed this Declaration, call on women and men to marshall their efforts and to support the struggle against the number one killer of women in the world