Group Health Coaching: An Exciting New Intervention
Most women at risk of heart disease are well aware of the need to improve their nutrition and increase their exercise, but knowledge isn’t always enough. People often feel stuck in unhelpful patterns and see themselves as incapable of developing the self-discipline needed to make recommended lifestyle changes. Encouraging these patients to set specific, manageable goals offers a promising approach to making changes which could otherwise seem overwhelming. But for a patient who doesn’t believe in their ability to follow through on these goals, goal-setting is not enough. These patients need to be supported and empowered to feel confident in their ability to persevere when faced with both internal and external challenges. a
The clinic recently piloted a creative new initiative specifically built to address the inner barriers to self-care. Fourteen women participated in an eight-session health coaching group, an innovative intervention designed to enable participants to meet their goals to reduce risk factors for heart disease. Through empowering participants to believe in themselves and in their ability to make difficult changes, the group’s leaders encouraged participants to set and implement specific goals for improving their nutrition and increasing their exercise. After the group ended, a large number of the women who attended the group reported changes in their eating habits and/or increased commitment to regular exercise.a
This multidisciplinary intervention incorporated both private and group meetings. Participants received individualized coaching from a nurse, as well as group education and skills practice from a nutritionist, an exercise coach, and a psychologist. All three of these professionals provided participants with relevant information on healthy living from their respective fields, as well as tools for managing challenges with regard to staying on track and meeting specific goals. In-group experiential exercises offered participants the opportunity to experiment with new techniques for changing old habits, allowing them to experience a sense of empowerment as they discovered ways to address barriers to self-care.a
Coaching is an emerging technique that focuses on enhancing participants’ internal motivation for change, and helping them find tools within themselves to achieve their goals. Although the research literature on health coaching is relatively new, studies suggest that health coaching shows a great deal of promise for enhancing motivation, increasing confidence, and encouraging participants to commit to positive lifestyle changes that reduce risk. Additionally, while the costs of providing individualized health coaching are prohibitive for the healthcare system, group coaching is a cost-effective means of both imparting information and facilitating health behavior change. As such, the clinic’s group coaching intervention offers an innovative approach that will not only empower participants to reduce their cardiovascular risk, but is highly feasible from an economic perspective.a
The clinic’s research on the group coaching intervention is just beginning. Our small pilot showed encouraging results, and larger studies are in the pipeline to the coaching group’s full potential and impact on participants. The clinic staff is incorporating feedback and process evaluation to fine-tune the intervention. and further studying this intervention. With further research support, the coaching group may offer an important contribution to reducing women’s risk of heart disease.a
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