The Fake News Fiasco
We are exposed to a tremendous amount of information on a daily basis. Much of this material is frightening and increases our stress level – and, some of it is inaccurate.a Treat information that is forwarded via social media with caution – often data is presented in a manner that is misleading, so as to
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Coaching For Change
The Pollin Center’s health coaching group is an innovative intervention for enhancing self-care to reduce risk factors for heart disease. Through empowering participants to believe in themselves and in their ability to make difficult changes, the group’s leaders encourage participants to set and implement specific goals for improving their nutrition and increasing their exercise. Over
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Ultra-Orthodox (Haredi) women have worse health outcomes and lower engagement in certain health behaviors compared with other Jewish women in Israel. They are less likely to engage in exercise, eat fruits and vegetables, or receive regular blood pressure checks and are more likely to be overweight and obese. In addition to these challenges, the pandemic
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The stress, apprehension and the fears coupled with the necessity to be home-bound have been a major part of our life over this past, complex year. Any one of the above are challenging – the combination has caused many of us to engage in emotional eating that has no relationship to our physical hunger. To
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Listen to your Body – Terri’s Story
On October 14, 2020, Terri (an alias name) was shocked to discover that she was having a heart attack.a Fifty one year old Terri though that she was healthy. She was not overweight, and had never experienced high cholesterol or blood sugar. Although Terri had been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis at 26, her symptoms were
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Holidays in Isolation
Preparing for the holidays is challenging in the best of times, with meals to prepare and guests to accommodate. But this year brings new challenges, as we will likely be spending the holidays in isolation. Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, two holidays which emphasize group prayer in the synagogue, may be spent at home this
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Mind the Heart – Psychosocial Risk Factors and Cognitive Functioning in Cardiovascular Disease
We are excited that a new Pollin Center article “Psychosocial Functioning, BMI, and Nutrition Behaviors in Women at Cardiovascular Risk“ has been published in “Frontiers in Psychology” Although we all know that proper nutrition and physical activity decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease, many women have difficulty adopting good health habits. We are interested in
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Quarantine. Limited gatherings. Isolation. The past six months have been a great challenge for society worldwide and for disadvantaged populations in particular. The graduates of the Pollin Center Leadership Training Program in East Jerusalem have become recognized community leaders, doing all that they can to promote their friends and neighbors. They did not let the
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Covid and Your Heart
Are there sex and gender differences in how COVID-19 affects women and men? Looking over reports from all over the world, it appears that the numbers of confirmed cases of COVID-19 are similar in men and women. In nearly every country, however, there are more confirmed deaths from COVID-19 in men. Once men are
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