Congratulations Corner
Congratulations to Keren Greenberg and her colleagues from the Pollin Center on the publication of the article “Cardiovascular health literacy and patient–physician communication intervention in women from disadvantaged communities” Keren and her team: Elisheva Leiter , Milka Donchin, Nisreen Agbaria , Mayada Karjawally and Donna R. Zwas, were honored that this article was published in
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Sugar; Sweeteners – What to Choose
We wish you a sweet new year—but which sweetener should you choose? Check out an article from the newly published Linda Joy Pollin Center Cookbook “The Praiseworthy Kitchen: Simple, Healthy and Tasty Recipes”. Sugar; Sweeteners – What to Choose?a White sugar, Brown sugar, Date Honey, Bee Honey, Maple Syrup… what sweetener is best to use?a
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Why Do Arab Women get Heart Disease Earlier
Women in the Arab community have higher rates of heart disease, and they tend to become ill much younger. We went out into the community to learn what challenges they face as they seek to care for themselves.a We conducted three focus groups between June and August 2019, for Arab women in different regions in
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Most women at risk of heart disease are well aware of the need to improve their nutrition and increase their exercise, but knowledge isn’t always enough. People often feel stuck in unhelpful patterns and see themselves as incapable of developing the self-discipline needed to make recommended lifestyle changes. Encouraging these patients to set specific, manageable goals
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Ultra-orthodox women have no or limited access to the internet and use written media for resources and information. After participating in our ground-breaking health promotion program in the Haredi community, women turned to us and requested healthy recipes that they can use in their kitchens. Addressing this need, we designed a unique cookbook, “The Praiseworthy
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Aortic dissection- a tear in your aorta- is a life threatening event, and if it occurs in the arch of the aorta, the surgery to fix it requires full circulatory arrest rather than standard bypass surgery. This surgery is associated with very high mortality and a high rate of complications, extended hospitalizations and prolonged recovery.
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Bicuspid aortic valve is the most common congenital heart malformation, with an incidence in the population of 1%. It is associated with significant cardiac complications that often necessitate surgical repair. Researchers from the Cardiology Division recently identified a cohort of 28 families (70 affected individuals) with this abnormality, and used their genetic information to identify
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Nisreen’s Story
Nisreen S, mother of six, is an educated woman. As a volunteer health educator in her community, Nisreen taught new mothers about healthy nutrition. Though very knowledgeable about the importance of a healthy diet, Nisreen couldn’t seem to apply her knowledge to herself. With each pregnancy, Nisreen gained more weight and subsequently developed knee problems.
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Every Step Counts
The Pollin Center Pedometer Research Program is spearheaded by our administrator, Lori Sloman, who is deeply committed to helping her Hadassah colleagues. Volunteer hospital employees commit to a 12 week program in which they strive to enhance their physical activity levels by increasing the number of daily steps. The program includes baseline data including weight,
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